George Borja de Freitas
Dental surgeon
Brazilian Association of Dentistry
He holds a bachelor's degree in dentistry from the University of Pernambuco (FOP-UPE) 2010, Post-graduation in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Military Hospital of Recife (HMAR-PE), Post-graduation in Implantology by ABO-PE. Specialization in Stomatology (SLM-SP), Master's Degree in Dental Radiology (SLM-SP), Doctorate in Implantology (SLM-SP) and Post-Doctoral Surgery and Diagnosis (UNESP-SP). He is currently a Professor of the Clinical Faculty of the Course of Perfection in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO-PE), Professor of the Undergraduate Degree in Surgery and Stomatology (FIP-PB) and Postgraduate Course in Oral Surgery and Coordinator of the Specialization in Implantodontics of the Integrated Colleges of Patos (FIP-PB) and Guest Professor of Surgery at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG).
Research Interest
Odontology, focusing on Bucomaxilofacial Surgery